We are steeped in history as we follow the Lord Jesus daily and look toward God’s future with hope, even in these challenging times. We are a church that loves fellowship, music, caring for one another, children, learning and mission to our community and beyond. We believe that your presence would enrich all of the above and invite you to join us in faithful discipleship and shared spirituality. – PASTOR BRAD NAPIER

According to the Rev. Harry S. Hassall, Presbyterians are “People of the Middle Way” and may be well and accurately defined by this series of seven couplets:
A Biblical / Evangelical People
A Reasonable / Moderate People
An Ecumenical / Inclusive People
A Compassionate / Caring People
A Negotiating / Process People
A Studying / Thinking People
An Orthodox / Confessional People
At Stanford Presbyterian Church, we claim our Reformed Heritage and are a church welcoming to all people.